Admissions Open for 2025-26. Adhira international School, Affiliated to CBSE (1131410) up to Senior Secondary Level (Std XII). (School being the linguistic Minority, students having Hindi mother tongue will be given preference.) Click here for Enquiry.   |   Adhira International school won title of best second in Emerging national curriculum School categories in the TOI's Times School Survey, 2020. Click here for more News

Library Facility


"Crossing an open area like the reading area was guaranteed to draw every librarian in the building so any hypothetical reader would never get ten steps, let alone all the way to pulling out a chair and sitting down. The reading area was a beautifully crafted trap set by the librarians, but it was too perfect. Even the dumbest book lover — and anyone who would regularly choose to come in contact with books could not be a bright bulb — wouldn't fall for this."
-- By Joseph Fink, Jeffrey Cranor

Very remarkable and true sentence to signify the importance of library. The atmosphere and good reading habit right from early age can make anyone a good reader.
AIS also help their students to give large reservoir of books so student can read it and update therein.
An effective school library enhances student learning outcomes by providing wide range of programs, services and resources which support teaching and learning. It also supports and encourages students' reading experiences.  

  • Builds literacy skill
  • Develops reading habits
  • Encourages group study
  • Updated knowledge
  • Communication and compressive skills